Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Implementing the Encryption, Decryption, and SMS Capabilities.

We have finished a basic layout of the messaging screen, using a ListView to display sent and received messages.  Each message has a tag saying if it was sent or received.  We have also added functionality to the send button, allowing it to encrypt and then send messages and have them displayed on the messaging screen.  Each message also has the ability to open its own context menu, giving some basic options of encrypt, decrypt, delete, and further details. 

The encryption and decryption files had a problem with the android syntax and needed to be rewritten upon addition to the application. It is currently running on a single key, as the key generator has had problems implementing in with android, so we need to do a complete rewrite on that as well before it can be added.

We worked on the theme slightly, making a simple blue and white color scheme.  We also made an icon for the application, a blue and orange "TL" for TextLock.  Below are some screenshots to show the theme and functionality of the application:

Showing some sent and received encrypted messages

Showing the decrpyt option on the first message

Showing the first message after decryption

Showing with all displayed messages decrypted
The program can send and receive messages using the phones own SMS Manager, encrypting messages before they are sent.  For the moment it just sends the message to the phone number in the box above the "Enter a message" prompt, this is only temporary though as it will eventually be able to get the phone number from a contacts list.

We still intend on adding a main screen to allow management of multiple conversations as well as adding access to the phones internal contacts list or the option to add a new contact or send a message to a new number. We will also work extensively to get the key generator functional again as well as making a more standard message format that will include date, time and more.

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